These are nonmetallic knives made from G10. G10 is a composite material; specifically, it is a fiberglass laminate. G10 is commonly used for knife scales and firearm grips, but its strength, toughness, and light weight mean it is well suited for use in nonmetallic tools as well.
These knives all have actual cutting edges and grinds. While G10 does not have the durability or edge holding of a metal knife, it is quite durable and the edges WILL cut easily, so be careful! The edges can easily be touched up with a piece of 220 or 320 grit sandpaper, but we are proud to offer free sharpening, the customer just pays for shipping.
Each of these models are 100% nonmetallic with no metal parts used in the knife or sheath. All are made from .250"+ thick G10 and are quite sturdy. Please understand that the work performed on each knife is done by hand, and thus the measurements below are approximations, and there may be small variations from knife-to-knife. All knives include a sheath with a static line.
For our international customers, please reference READ IT!
For customers in New York, your knife will be modified with a metal plug. We do not recommend using a punch and hammer to drift this plug out.
The jade Sgian Dagger is approximately 9.25” overall with a 4.9” blade.
The black Sgian Dagger is approximately 8.25” overall with a 3.9” blade.